Historical Resources

The Language of Asparukh and the Kuber Bulgars - Vocabulary and grammar
by Peter Dobrev.

Chuvash Language - Chuvash is the most distinctive of the Turkic languages and thus cannot be understood by speakers of other Turkic tongues. Its parent language — spoken by the Volga Bulghars in the Middle Ages.

Hunnic Language - The Hunnic language is an extinct language of the Huns.

Yurts - Also referred to as a Ger/ Kooshta - everything you ever wanted to know about them.

Steppes Forum - A Forum for discussion of Hunnish history.

History of the Proto-Bulgarians North and West of the Black Sea - by D. Dimitrov

Inscriptions and Alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians - by Peter Dobrev


Khan Omurtag

Khan Omurtag's Tarnovo Inscription

Khan Krum

Khan Tervel

Battle of Varbitsa Pass (Battle of Pliska)

History of Bulgaria in Seven Pages - by Lyubomir Ivanov

On the Prototype of the Proto-Bulgarian Temples at Pliska, Preslav and Madara - by B. Brentjes

Insignia of Medieval Bulgarian Rulers - by George Atanassov

Pereschepina Treasure of Khan Kubrat - through the Hermitage Museum Collection in St. Petersburg and Museum of Natural History in Vienna

Hidden Treasures of a Forgotten Bulgarian State - by Milosh Siderov.

An Approach to Dating the Pliska Rosette - by Milosh Siderov and Emil Kelevedzhiev

The Khazars and the Caspian Sea Lvl Changes - by N. Gumilev in his book Ritmy Evrazii 'The Rhythms of Eurasia

The American Center of Khazar Studies - by Kevin Alan Brook

The Langobards and the 'Vulgares' in Historia Langobardorum - by J. Otto Maenchen-Helfen

Gog, Magog, and the Kingdom of the Khazars

Khan Kubrat - by Veselin Beshevliev

Pictures of Pliska - by Yulian Angelov